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6 most expensive coffees in the world.

Six Lavish Coffees You Dream of Indulging In!

As the new workweek dawns, the prospect of facing another 5 or 6 days of work can feel a bit daunting, especially if you've spent the previous night indulging in a Netflix marathon or, for the less fortunate, pulling an all-nighter to meet looming deadlines. But fear not, there's a simple solution to kickstart your day: coffee.

Whether you pledge allegiance to North End or swear by Crimson Cup, what truly matters is the quality and effectiveness of that magical brew that helps you face the day. It doesn't really matter how this dark and energizing elixir has journeyed from distant lands or how it's been carefully curated; what matters is that it's cherished by grown-ups worldwide, often exchanged for a portion of their hard-earned paychecks.

With that said, let's explore the world of coffee extravagance. Here are six of the most opulent and sought-after coffees from around the globe, the kinds that exist primarily in daydreams.

Ospina coffee

Priced at Tk 3.49 lakh per kilogram, is made from Arabica Typica beans grown in the Andes' dark tropical woods across five generations. These beans benefit from volcanic ash in the soil, giving them a rich, nutty flavor. To enjoy it, grind the beans whole and brew with clear water at temperatures between 91°C and 96°C.

Black Ivory coffee

Priced at Tk 2.76 lakh per kilogram, this unique Thai coffee is produced through elephant digestion. High-quality Arabica cherries are selected, although there's some loss. It takes 33 kilograms of raw cherries to make one kilogram of coffee. It's known for its chocolate and spice flavors, often served in top places. The elephants' digestion influences the taste.

Kopi Luwak

Costs Tk 1.43 lakh per kilogram and is a unique coffee. It's made in Indonesia, mainly on Java, Bali, and Sumatra islands. Civets play a part in making it special. They pick the tastiest cherries, digest them, and this gives the coffee its smooth taste and complex aroma. Keep in mind that there are differences in price and ethical concerns, depending on whether it's wild-sourced or cultivated.

Finca El Injerto

Priced at Tk 1.2 lakh per kilogram, Finca El Injerto is a Guatemalan coffee plantation known for its commitment to sustainability and social responsibility. It's the first carbon-neutral and Rainforest Alliance Certified coffee plantation in Guatemala, situated in a region with unique soil and high altitude that gives its coffee a distinctive flavor. Note that not all products labeled "Finca El Injerto" are from this specific plantation.

Saint Helena

At Tk 54,582 per kilogram, Saint Helena coffee originates from the remote island of Napoleon's exile. It's made from Green Tipped Bourbon Arabica beans, wet-processed with local spring water, and has notes of black cherry and chocolate, reminiscent of its Yemeni roots. Starbucks introduced it in 2016, priced at Tk 8,839 for 250 grams.

Hacienda La Esmeralda

Hacienda La Esmeralda, a family-owned coffee company in Panama, sells its award-winning coffee for Tk 48,615 per kilogram at auctions. Since 2007, they've held private online auctions offering premium coffee at high prices. Their journey to becoming coffee industry leaders started with a Best of Panama win in 2004, followed by numerous awards. Their high-altitude Geisha coffee won over customers.

The prices listed above are calculated using the current exchange rate of 1 Dollar equal to Tk 110.49. Please note that this rate may fluctuate in the future.

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